Incognito Tasters

Find out what your customers enjoy when they visit your business!

Introducing our Incognito Wine Tasters: Our team visits your business anonymously and participates in a tasting. They’ll sip, swirl, and sniff while looking for all those details that create a good tasting experience, filling out a thorough questionnaire immediately afterward. Within two weeks of our visit, you will receive a report with the tasters’ questionnaires and notes. Also included in the report will be:

Statistical analysis with visuals of the overall positivity of the experience

A conclusive evaluation of the key areas of service

A list of relevant articles on tasting rooms

Recommendations to train your staff and other improvements

Don't worry, our undercover tasters keep their findings confidential, and they approach the tastings with a positive attitude.

Contact Us with any questions and price details!

 *Travel fees may apply

How do your guests feel about your tasting room?

Get ready to uncork success with our covert tasting experience!

several red wine glasses, wine pouring into one glass